The Official Web Site of the Silver Strikers Club

Mosaic of Silver Strikes

Archived News 2007

Hot News 12-08-2007


Dear Members

I've been reading and hearing a lot of negative comments regarding the silver strikes and would like to comment on it to the membership.

The Four Queens is currently the best casino that has supported and catered to the Silver Strikers program. This casino continues to produce different strikes and give members an opportunity to obtain a new strike. They have also provided a slot tournament that members may enter with a quarter pound strike as an award. They've provided a room so the club may hold a trade session and treated obnoxious members with kid gloves.

This casino has gone out of its way to design and produce excellent strikes that members could collect. I want to extend a well deserved commendation to Shaun Webster and the Four Queens for their effort in supporting our program.

It has been sad and unfortunate that there are a few people in the program that are self serving. Their only goal is to obtain a strike "immediately" so they may make a profit. If there is a delay, they piss and moan. They continue to gripe about every aspect of the program. They grumble about the design, the color scheme, how it is issued and the safety around the cashier. Yet...they provide no remedy to their gripes.

Apparently some of the casinos have noticed the obnoxious collectors attitudes and for reasons and concerns, decided to end the program. They don't want to put up with these cry babies so they've removed their machines. Without the support and help from these casinos, this program will die. Then the self servers will have nothing to bitch about.

Dear members, I believe that it is time that the attitudes and mind set of some of these people need to change. With IGT's stance, it is time to pull together with each other and the supporting casinos to have this program continue. There is no need for negative comments to be made about any casino that is supporting our silver strike program.

Ralph Fajardo

President Silver Strikers Club

Hot News 11-18-2007


Accept the challenge and you may have the satisfaction of saying, I designed this commemorative club coin. Those are my initials!

Just think of the many creative possibilities of using this years theme our clubs 9th anniversary in your design.

Go ahead. Start now while youre thinking about it. Grab a pen, a scrap of paper and unleash your creative talent!

This years contest starts now and ends January 15, 2008.

These are the rules:

  • You must be a member of the Silver Strikers Club.
  • You must include the 9th anniversary theme in your design.
  • No trademark names allowed.
  • Entries must be received by January 15, 2008.
  • Five finalists will be chosen anonymously by the five current board members and posted on the club website for all club members to vote on by ballot in the newsletter or by email.
  • Deadline for club votes is March 10, 2008.
  • Designs submitted last year that did not win are eligible; multiple entries also eligible.

Mail entries to: Bill Metten, 21 Stuyvesant Drive, Hockessin, DE 19707

Bill Metten

Hot News 11-01-2007


Dear Members

The silver strikers club is still looking for a member to volunteer to chair the Hall of fame and Elections position. Ms Jo Reifer has held this position for over 8 years and would like to take a break from it. She has done an excellent job for the club and I thank you Jo.

If no one is able to chair this position, there may not be a strike of the year for 2007.

Please contact any club officer if your are interested.

I hope to see all of you at the Four Queens slot tournament which will be held in January.

There will also be an open trade session for anyone to attend. The silver strikers club will be providing some refreshments.

During this period (hopefully) there will be a $200.00 strike, a limited edition strike token and a new red cap token, all of which will have the same design which will be a.............

The tournament is sponsored by the Four Queens Casino.

Ralph Fajardo

President Silver Strikers Club

Hot News 10-06-2007


Dan and Kathy need your help to ensure you get your newsletter. Please check the list of emails below and if one looks like yours please email Dan and Leroy Rico to ensure they get your correct email. Kathy, the new newsletter editor, got a few bounce/error messages when sending out the email newsletters.  Here is the list of Bounce-Backs.


These folks need to contact and with their updated email information in order to receive their email July/Aug/Sept Silver Strikers Newsletter.

Thanks Kathy and Dan

Hot News 10-07-2007

SUPPORT YOUR CLUB! 2007 Club Strike Orders

Presently there are 101 club strikes remaining (unsold). Once again, they are available to club members for $30.00 each. Anyone interested, please send me a check for $30.00 and I will send one to you.

Silver Strikers Club

C/o Ralph Fajardo

95-428 Kamahana

Mililani Hi 96789

Hot News 09-25-2007


Effective November 1, 2007 the annual club dues for the Silver Strikers club will be as follows:

  • Annual Membership $15.00
  • Associate Membership $ 15.00
  • Processing Fees $ 8.00
  • Additional Roster $ 10.00


Ralph Fajardo

President Silver Strikers Club

Hot News 07-25-2007


August 7, 2007 is approaching fast and this should be the final update on convention news. The Silver Strikers Club Trade Session is Tuesday night at the Four Queens, 6:00 p.m. second floor Royal Pavilion.

This event is open to all, members and non members. We will have a club table there and name tags will be available for all. Please stop by and say hi and get your name tag I have also found it helpful if you include your screen name on the name tag. Our club table is an informational table and we will have volunteers available to help with any questions.

August 8, 2007 pre-registration packets can be picked up at the Riviera Registration Desk from 9am-4pm. The Early Bird Banquet is Wednesday night at the Riviera Grand B_D 5:30pm. If you are registered for this banquet your tickets will be in your packet and must be picked up before 4pm.

Volunteers can check with Kevin Pyles to see when he needs help setting up the club table on Wednesday and working the club table during convention hours.  Its a great way to learn about the club and meet people.

August 9, 2007 Main Show Floor opens Riviera Royal room 1-4, 10:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 

Silver Strikers Forum is in the Royal room 7 at 3:00 p.m.. Shaun Webster will be our guest speaker and we thing you will find Shaun very interesting, informative and knowledgeable about strikes.

August 9, 2007 Main Show Floor opens Riviera Royal room 1-4, 10:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Silver Strikers Forum is in the Royal room 7 at 3:00 p.m.. Shaun Webster will be our guest speaker and we thing you will find Shaun very interesting, informative and knowledgeable about strikes.

We have planned a get together after for members who are new, any one with questions and everyone who would like to get to know more about the club. This is a great opportunity to meet and talk to members, lean about the club and maybe volunteer to work with the club and the new board. At this time we are looking for a newsletter editor and a secretary.  Please join us after the Forum for our informative get together.

Silver Strikers Club Meeting will follow at 5:00 p.m..

August 10, 2007 is our anniversary party at the Golden Nugget. Please come by and enjoy some SNACKS and CAKE, fun and maybe even a prize. We would like to thank all who have donated items for our give away this year.


Pam Martin

Hot News 07-18-2007

2007 Club Strike Orders

The first round of 2007 club strike orders has slowed to a trickle. The board would like to inform those that are interested in purchasing a second club strike that they may send in their order forms starting Monday the 23rd of July. Once again it is limited to one per member, also remember to make checks payable to: Silver Strikers Club, and the price is still $30.


Hot News 07-13-2007

Club Presidents Update

The Vegas trip was a successful one with lots accomplished. I was able to personally contact many casinos that are club supporters and we will be working on promoting the strike program with these casinos and the mints. Its time to look at the good now and we are at a plus that the casinos and mints will be working closer together and IGT will probably not be the middle man any longer.

There are many questions to be answered yet by IGT and the mint concerning the casino involvement in continuing their program. All of this take times and is best handled by the mint, casinos and IGT. I was there to offer the support of the club, our web site and newsletter. Please give them time to make their final decision. It looks good that there might be some strikes to play for at convention. Each day the convention gets more and more interesting and full of surprises. I think this will be a good one to attend.

I was amazed so many casinos made comments on some of our club experts who wanted to help them run their strike program. Seems we want to help them with what strikes they mint, how many to mint, how to load the strike machine, and how much money they make on their strike program. I hope in the future our members will remember we are a guest of the casino and it is their strike program and they will run it the way they prefer.

We are there to play their strike machine, win strikes and have a good time. We are there to support them, to get their information out to our membership, to post information on our web site and newsletter.

It was such fun to see so many strikers at the Four Queens waiting to get the new 777 $200.  It is gorgeous. Looks like we have a lot of new $200 collectors these days. Hope all the new $200 in the future look as good as this one does.

Ralph Fajardo (our incoming President) and I did get a chance to get together and get some club ideas discuss. Its now time for the incoming board to get together and start working as a team. Ralph has lots of new ideas and I am sure others on his board have some too.  Good luck, sounds like you are off to a good start.

We will probably have an update on convention soon and we are looking forward to seeing everyone at convention.

Pam Martin

Hot News 06-25-2007

Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes for May 17, 2007

A meeting was called to order by Pam Martin on Thursday, May 17, 2007 at 6:00pm Pacific Time.  Also present were Board Members John Miller, Kevin Pyles, Judy Barton and Bill Jollie.

John's been working on the newsletter for June and has six pages complete. We still need to finish the order form for the club strike. John will forward last years form for Bill to update.

We plan to have a tear out in the newsletter for Hall of Fame, Strike of the year and modified voting for them. John also indicated that he will need 3 or 4 pages for club stats. The Newsletter will be our first announcement of nominations which are due by June 1st.

Ralph Fajardo has sent several letters to different board members with many very important ideas. We discussed his concerns and ideas for the continued growth of our club. After the discussion it was agreed that the exiting Board Members would be honored to host a phone conference call with the new board to help with a smooth transition and a positive turnover of duties at the board meeting.

Pam has met with many of the slot managers over her past couple of trips to Las Vegas. Rather than put them in the minutes and have them in two places I will just say things are looking very exciting for this summer for silver strikes.

A long discussion was held on the rising cost of everything except our dues.  Postage has risen 6 times since the club was formed along with the cost of printing and paper, not to mention cost of rooms and party snacks. We need stability in our club and all we do, but it costs. We hope to have a discussion about a dues increase in the next year or two.

Several changes to the By-Laws were discussed, including modifying IIA2. The President may nominate members to assist or run committees but must have a majority approval of the Board in every case.

Also it was agreed that we should accept e-mail votes for club coin, strike of the year and hall of fame.

Judy has everything all set for the club party on Friday from 7 - 10 pm at the Golden Nugget. This newsletter will be asking for donations for the 8th anniversary party raffle. There will be plenty of food and soft drinks for all who attend.

The Tuesday night trade session will have coffee, tea and water. It is scheduled for 6 - 9 pm.

During the convention the membership table will be in the middle of the room instead of next to the entrance as in past years. Kevin will follow up with the idea of having the new officers at the table to meet with the membership.

The board voted unanimously to have a full CPA audit of the books prior to turning over to the new board. We felt that with all the changes this would be the most prudent thing to do.

Bill received two of the 8th anniversary club coins for review. He e-mailed a copy to all board members for their review. The coins should be in his possession by the time everyone receives this newsletter. (Special note: only 350 8th anniversary coins will be struck).

Secretary Bill Jollie

Hot News 06-12-2007

New Officers

It is my pleasure to inform you that the new officers for the Silver Strikers Club have been elected.

  • President is Raphael Fajardo
  • 1st V. President Leroy Rico
  • 2nd V. President Dan Hanagriff
  • Treasurer Judy Barton

They will take office at the General Meeting on Thursday August 9, 2007.

Election Chairperson Jo Riefer

Hot News 04-12-2007


Jim Quinn has allowed the clubs website to provide the link to his site with current strike information.


Hot News 04-12-2007

From the Grievance Chairperson

Grievance Filing/Resolution Procedures

The Grievance Chairperson will investigate and determine a rule of finding on matters concerning possible Silver Strikers Club Code of Ethics violations. The Grievance Chairperson will only address Code of Ethics issues which have to do with the Silver Strikers Club and/or members of the Silver Strikers Club and most importantly only items /situations over which the club has any say.

All grievances must be filed in writing to the Grievance Chairperson.  The filing must include a complete summary as to what the grievance is, why you believe it to be a grievance and any information to substantiate the claims.

All grievances filings and findings will be part of the club's public records.

Grievance Chairperson

Hot News 03-05-2007


Convention dates are August 8- 11, 2007 Riveria Hotel.

Early bird banquet Wed night Aug 8.

Convention floor dates Thurs Aug 9, Fri Aug 10, and Sat Aug 11.

Silver Strikers trade session Tues night Aug 7 Four Queens.

Hope to have our club party again Fri or Sat night.

Our forum and club meeting should be Thurs Aug 9.

Don't know any prices yet!


Archived News 2007