The Official Web Site of the Silver Strikers Club

Mosaic of Silver Strikes

Archived News 2012

Hot News 12-20-2012

Four Queens Strike Release

The January $300 strike will be released Saturday, January 26, 2013 around 5 p.m. after the last round of tournament play.

Pam Martin,
Publicity & Promotions Chair

Hot News 12-12-2012

Club Social

As you know, the Board of Directors has voted unanimously to cancel the January party. This matter is closed and will not be revisited.  However, in the meantime, some Club Members have contacted BOD members expressing their disappointment in this decision. In the spirit of compromise, the BOD has voted to have a Social. The Social event will take place on January 26th at 6pm, in conjunction with the trade session. If the Social proves successful, it may be something to be included in the regular schedule of events for January. We are looking forward to seeing everyone at the Slot Tournament. It promises to be an exciting event.

Joel Slack,

Hot News 12-10-2012


The Board of Directors has decided to postpone the January 15, 2013 newsletter release until February 15, 2013. With the busy Holiday season upon us and the strike tournament in January, we felt that the membership would like to have all the news and pictures from the tournament in the newsletter.

Please check the Current News section of the website for any updated information.

Joel Slack,

Hot News 12-03-2012

Notification to the Membership

I want to update the Membership on some recent events that did not appear in the last Newsletter. The Board of Directors agreed to cancel the January party for several reasons. We traditionally never had a party at the January Slot Tournament until last year. The Four Queens has several events surrounding the Tournament and they do an outstanding job.  Many members have a limited time in Las Vegas. We want the Membership to have an opportunity to go to a show, go to dinner, or whatever they choose to do while in Las Vegas. The BOD also considered the substantial cost to the Club of having two parties a year. The June party is not affected by this decision and has not been canceled.

In other news, the BOD authorized the Club Coin Committee to purchase silver for the 2013 Club Coin. Because of the foresight of the Board, we able to purchase silver for next year's coin at a relatively low $26.98 an ounce.  Silver is currently over $33.50 an ounce. I want to commend the Board and Committee Members because this advanced purchase has resulted in a substantial savings in silver for next year's coin.

Joel Slack,

Hot News 10-04-2012

Four Queens Halloween Strike Release

Four Queens will be putting their new red cap and blue cap in the strike machines on Wednesday, October 31, 2013 and their $300 will be released on Friday November 2, 2013 at 10:00 a.m.

Hope to see you there,
Pam Martin, SS-365

Hot News 10-01-2012

Club Coin 2013 Contest

Club Coin 2013 Contest PDF Document Version

Club Coin 2013 Contest JPEG Version

Al Lukacs, SS-1077
Jeff Bitzer, SS-291

Hot News 09-14-2012

Notification to all Members

We are now able to accept payments by PayPal for dues or a copy of the roster. When your dues are due simply go to the Club application form on the left side of the page from the Silver Strikers home page.  When the application opens scroll to the bottom of the page. Click on the paypal button. It's that easy.

Joel Slack


Hot News 09-03-2012

Club Members

Silver Strikers Club Forum (sscforum) a bulletin board for club members only. The Board of Directors has approved a one year trial of the sscforum.

The club has full control of the sscforum, we can customize it to suit our needs. We can add Boards and Categories that we need.

All club members are invited to join in the fun.
Send an email to requesting access. Once your membership verified you will receive an email with your userid and password.

The link to the sscforum is:

Joel Slack


Hot News 08-20-2012

Latest Strikes

Sam's Town has a new red Corvette (blue cap) in the machines. Mirage took delivery of 2 new strikes, Rex and Barry. Bill and Ann Brooks are in Vegas, Bill played at Sam's Town and the blue cap was expensive. Mirage strike machine was just as tight as Sam's Town and only paying older strikes.

Pam Martin, SS-365

Publicity & Promotions Chair

Hot News 07-14-2012

Notification to all members

Recently, there was a grievance filed against the Board of Directors.  The circumstances surrounding this complaint have been resolved. The complaint was effectively investigated twice, each time finding the same conclusions. A written apology has been sent to the aggrieved Club Member and this matter has been closed. The Board of Directors is very proactive. This complaint was brought to the attention of the Board of Directors by a Board Member. The Board of Directors responded to the complaint and a grievance was filed after the fact.

Effective immediately, if you have a valid complaint, you must contact the Grievance Chair first. Once the facts of any investigation are determined, the results will be made available to the Board of Directors by the President.

It is not a regular function of the Board of Directors to investigate specific grievances. Any complaint received by a Member of the Board of Directors will be arbitrarily dismissed. It is not my intention, or that of the Board of Directors, to prevent any Member from having their complaint receive a proper hearing. However, this will prevent duplication of time and efforts and will maintain the proper responsibilities of the Board of Directors and the Grievance Committee.

Joel Slack


Hot News 07-12-2012

Silver Strike Update

The Mirage has filled their order of 500 colorized strikes, Walter.  The 300 strikes should be delivered the week of July 16.

Get ready for Halloween, Shaun Webster has his designs for this year's Halloween strikes, a red cap, blue cap and $300. The red and blue caps will be in on Wednesday October 31, Halloween Day and the $300 will be released Friday November 2, 2012.

Hope to see you there.

Pam Martin, SS-365

Publicity & Promotions Chair

Hot News 06-24-2012

To all members

The recent Four Queens tournament was again a super success.  I enjoyed every moment of it. It was great meeting old friends as well as new friends. Even though I didn't win monetarily, I won many new friends and a few strikes (tight machines). The new strikes (300, red and blue cap) are outstanding.

Most important is the hospitality of Shaun Webster, his co workers, Todd, Jamie, Rosemary and many of the employees of the Four Queens.  Their efforts resulted in everyone having a great time. In attendance was the Casino Manager. He was totally impressed. He noticed that everyone was smiling and having a fantastic time. He did not know that everyone had such a wonderful time during these tournaments.

I believe that it is time for members of the Silver Strike Club to let the upper management of the Four Queens Casino know how great their staff treated everyone and how well we enjoyed the tournament. This effort will assure that not only will we continue to have great tournaments but also give the Four Queens management ideas of enhancing it.

Once again, I thank Shaun Webster and his staff for putting on another great silver strikers tournament for the Silver Strikers club.

Ralph Fajardo

Hot News 06-09-2012

Last Minute Reminders

Monday and Tuesday June 18, and 19, 2012:  Four Queens Summer Silver Strikers Slot Tournament

Monday June 18, 2012: 5:00 pm release of the Four Queens $300 Silver Strike at the Four Queens Casino Cage

Tuesday June 19, 2012: 2:00 pm Slot Tournament Awards Banquet

Tuesday June 19, 2012: 6:00pm - 8:00 pm Trade Session, Four Queens

Wednesday June 20, 2012: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Club Forum and Meeting
Our Forum panel this year will be JP Pierce, Sean Sarr and Shaun Webster
Discussion of the of the Silver Strike Program, please bring any questions you may have.

Wednesday June 20, 2012: 5:00 pm is our Annual Silver Strikers Club Party
Celebrate another year of striking, great people, good food and lots of fun.  Of course, for the Jimmy and Ed Show, please remember to bring a surprise exchange gift (something from your home state, maybe free stuff from a casino giveaway), bring something as special as you would want to receive. If you bring an exchange gift, be sure to get a ticket for the drawing. If you forgot your exchange gift, please wait until next year to bring a gift and get a ticket(s).

Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 21-23, 2012 CC&GTCC Convention, South Point Casino

Strikes to play for:

Four Queens will have a tournament strike for all who participate in their tournament, red cap, blue cap, and a $300 which will be released Monday, June 18 at 5:00 pm

Mirage has a colorized Walter, which is their first blue cap, plus two new characters.

Sam's Town has a colorized car, which is their first blue cap.

El Cortez has two $10 strikes in their machines.

REMEMBER to bring your Four Queens $300 Queen Hippolyta to exchange at the Four Queens; and don't forget to bring your party exchange gift!

See you there!

Pam Martin

Publicity & Promotions Chair

Hot News 05-31-2012

Notification to All Club Members

We are just a few weeks away from our Convention and the Four Queens Summer Slot Tournament. Here are a few highlights:

  • The Summer Slot Tournament will be held on June 18th and 19th.  The reservation information is on the banner link.
  • Our Convention will be on June 20th. This year we will have an Open Forum. If you have questions about the Silver Strike program (past or future), this would be a great time to ask.
  • Following the panel discussion, we will have our Annual Club Meeting.
  • The evening of June 20th will be our Club Party!

The Silver Strikers Club will be participating in the CC&GTCC Convention this year. We still have a few open time slots on Thursday afternoon for the Silver Strikers Club table. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Jeff Bitzer or any Board Member.


to bring items from your hometown for the Jimmy and Eddie Show during the Club Party. Also, if you would like to exchange your Queen Hippolyta $300 Strike, please be sure to bring it with you.

The Board Members and Committee Members have worked very hard to make this the best Convention ever! We look forward to seeing you there.

Joel Slack


Hot News 05-17-2012

Mirage Update

The Mirage has two new characters that should be out in the near future.  The original character Walter, has a new look. Walter has a new make over as he is totally colorized and suppose to be in the Mirage strike machines.  At the present time only 200 have been minted. I am sure by the end of tournament and convention they will all be gone. Hopefully more Walters will be minted in the near future along with many of the other characters colorized in the future.

More updates to follow as we get closer to tournament and convention.

Pam Martin, SS-365

Publicity & Promotions Chair

Hot News 05-12-2012

Club Coin Sales

We have sold all the 2009 Club Coins. And the 2012's are going fast.

G. Allan Lukacs

Hot News 04-29-2012


Sales of this years Club Coin are past the half way mark, and I am receiving more orders every day.


Until June 1 Members only, can order 1 coin. Please sign your check/M.O.

Send the check/M.O. to me, but make it payable to the Silver Strikers Club, not me.

G. Allan Lukacs

Hot News 04-16-2012

Four Queens Letter to Silver Strikers

Four Queens Letter PDF Document Version

Four Queens Letter JPEG Version

Shaun Webster, SS-1093

Notice to All Members:

Carol Heinz passed away last Tuesday February 28, 2012. She and Gary have been strike collectors from the very beginning of the Strike Program. She will be greatly missed. Gary our thoughts are with you during this very trying time.

Jo Riefer

1st Vice President

Hot News 03-01-2012

Notice to All Members:


Per Shaun Webster's previous Current News item (02-28-2012), it has been determined that the strikes in question are counterfeit. They have no monetary value.  Please do not try to turn them in to a casino. The tokens are one piece and the base is made of brass and plated thinly with either silver or gold plating. They are approximately 36 grams in weight, not the 40 grams of a silver strike. So far, we are aware of counterfeit tokens from the Four Queens, Sam‘s Town and Planet Hollywood.

Joel Slack


Hot News 03-01-2012

Notice to All Members:

As one of my first actions as President, I appointed a Committee to examine and revise the Club Coin Contest Rules. After due consideration, the Board has voted unanimously in favor of the rules as revised. The new rules become effective March 1, 2012. The new rules can be found by clicking the banner link on the Club website. I want to commend the Committee and the Board for their due diligence and hard work on this project.

I have appointed Jo Riefer to the office of 1st Vice President. Jo‘s appointment was effective Monday, February 27, 2012.

Joel Slack


Hot News 02-28-2012


Counterfeit Silver Strikes

1. All Gold.

1. All Silver.

They are a One Piece Coin, No Brass Outer Ring.

They are not as Thick.

Obverse image of Counterfeit Silver Strikes   Reverse image of Counterfeit Silver Strikes

Shaun Webster, SS-1093

Hot News 02-24-2012

St Patrick's Day Strikes

The Four Queens will have a red cap, blue cap and $300, all three will be colorized. The $300 will be available at the Four Queens on Friday March 16, 2012 at 10:00 a.m.

Sam's Town is minting the last of the cars, 1970 454 SS should be available on or before St Patrick's Day. There will be 500 of these and they will be colorized.

El Cortez is still working on final approval for their $300 and a blue cap.  Mirage has four of the Terry Fator strikes currently in their strike machines with hopes for more by June for convention.

Hope everyone has a great time in Vegas,

Pam Martin, SS-365

Publicity & Promotions Chair

Hot News 02-19-2012


As many of you know, I assumed the duties of the President of the Club effective February 17, 2012. Bill Jollie and I have worked closely during this transition period. Bill is very knowledgeable and has been a tremendous help. I ask for your patience while we continue making the transition.

All committee chairs will remain the same.

Shirley and I sincerely appreciate the words of encouragement and support that we received from many members in Las Vegas.

Joel Slack, President

Hot News 02-16-2012

Club Coin Contest

The deadline for voting has been extended to March 10 2012.

Al Lukacs


Hot News 02-09-2012


As of February 15, 2012, Rebecca A. Bottemiller will step down as Second Vice President of the Silver Strikers Club. She will remain on as the Newsletter Editor. As of February 17, 2012, Cheri Jollie will step down from her position of First Vice President and I will step down from my position as President of the Silver Strikers Club.

I have appointed James C. Mahan to the position of Second Vice President and James J. Slack to the position of President. I do this according to the Silver Strikers Constitution, Article Four, Section 3, #7(ii).

Bill Jollie

Hot News 01-19-2012

All members

For several years members of the silver strikers club have stepped forward to make this club an excellent club. Many members donated their time and effort to assure that the club would continue to move forward and excel. Even with the decline of participating casinos and the increase of the price of silver, the club was able to increase membership.

Thanks to many members, especially the current staff that is doing a great job holding this club together. These staff members (including the Publicity and promotions, the Webmaster, Grievance and the Hall of Fame coordinators) have done a tremendous job. Mr. Shaun Webster is doing a fantastic job in maintaining the silver strike program.

However it has now come time that the club is in dire need to have other members step forward. President Bill Jollie and his staff have served the club well over their time limit and wish to have other members take over the helm. With the current membership well over four hundred members, I'm sure there are others who could help the club continue to move forward.

In order to maintain a non profit club, there must be a minimum of three officers. If no one steps forward, the club will fold and all assets would be turned over to the IRS. I'm sure that there are many great members that would be able to do a great job for the club.

Ralph Fajardo

Hot News 01-10-2012

Silver Strike of the Year & Hall of Fame Voting

SSOY and HOF Finalists PDF Document Version

SSOY and HOF Finalists JPEG Version

Sue Cohenour

Hall of Fame / Strike of the Year Chair

Archived News 2012