The Official Web Site of the Silver Strikers Club

Mosaic of Silver Strikes

Archived News 2016

Hot News 12-02-2016

Four Queens Winter 2017 Strike Tournament Flyer

PDF Document Version

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Shaun Webster, SS-1093

Hot News 11-30-2016


The Strike Point is back and much faster than expected.

Jo Riefer CHSS-0033
1st Vice President/Membership

Hot News 11-29-2016

Strikepoint BB

Strike point is down due to The server has crashed. We don't know how long it will take them to get it back up and running. If we find out anything else we will keep you posted.

Jo Riefer CHSS-0033
1st Vice President/Membership

Passing of Judy Rasmussen

On October 29, 2016 Judy Rasmussen, a long time club member passed away. Our most sincere condolences to her family for the loss of this lovely, sweet, loving, kind, wonderful woman. She will be missed!

Jo Riefer CHSS-0033
1st Vice President/Membership

Hot News 11-03-2016

Sam's Town Casino

Sam's Town has removed there silver strike machine.

Warren Schaefer, SS-185
Publicity & Promotions Chair

Hot News 10-14-2016

Club Coin Contest Rewards

For this year's contest there will be money prizes plus more.

Information in PDF

Information in JPEG

Jeff Bitzer, SS-291

Hot News 09-24-2016

Club Coin Contest

Come join the fun! Now is your chance.

Now is your opportunity to design a silver strike. The contest begins October 1, 2016 and closes December 15, 2016. Rules for the contest are posted on the Club Website ( current news page.  Please read the rules (current news page also) before entering. Should you desire to have your design computer enhanced, send them to Jo Riefer first, either by email or US Postal Service. Jo will enhance your entry then return it to you for your approval and then submission. You can submit your original artwork or the enhanced version by sending it to Al Lukacs.  Jo will not be submitting any of them to Al for anyone. To have your drawing entered in the contest you must send it to Al Lukacs. Only Al accepts entries.

To enter, send your design to Al Lukacs either by email or US Postal Service, see information below.

Design's must reflect/include, in some way, the Club's 18th anniversary.


Al Lukacs                  Jo Riefer  
5507 4th Ave. N.W.          2283 Panoramic Dr.
Bradenton, FL. 34209        Concord, CA. 94520

Al Lukacs, SS-1077

Hot News 09-21-2016

El Cortez Silver Strike Update

Per Sunshine Mint - The El Cortez Casino has taken delivery of 3 different colorized $10.00 clad strikes that will be put in play this weekend for the Life Is Beautiful event in downtown Las Vegas, The $10.00 strikes will be in blue cases and only 300 of each were minted.

Warren Schaefer, SS-185
Publicity & Promotions Chair

Hot News 08-23-2016

January 2017 Tournament Dates

January tournament 27th-29th 2017.

Sue Cohenour, SS-562
2nd Vice President

Hot News 08-09-2016

Palazzo/Venetian Silver Strike Update

So far the Palazzo Lobby strike is only availble in the Palazzo machine.

The Venetian machine has the 2 older strikes in them.

Both machines have the new red cap in them.

Warren Schaefer, SS-185
Publicity & Promotions Chair

Hot News 08-02-2016

Four Queens Summer Silver Strike Tournament Pictures by Jeff Bitzer

Tournament pictures added to the club archives. Click Here for the pictures.

Jeff Bitzer, SS-291

Hot News 07-28-2016

Casino Silver Strikes on Facebook

First, to access the group, you have to have a facebook account.  If you don't have an account, it is free and easy to set up at Second, you go to the Casino Silver Strikes Facebook Page: and request to join the group. I cannot automatically add people unless they are my "Facebook Friends". Then I will add you to the group. The reason I have it as a closed group is so that the general public doesn't know when or where we all are. I'd hate for us to be talking about meeting up in Vegas and telling the world none of us are at home! So, everything is visible only to members of the group. I can add moderators anytime if we get a lot of new members.

The Casino Silver Strikes Facebook Page is meant to be very casual, very laid back. You can use it to tell other members about new strikes, use it to sell or trade or just ask folks in the group what they are up to, etc. If anybody has any questions, they can email me at

Webmaster note: You can access the Casino Silver Strikes Facebook Page by clicking the link on the left side of the home page.

Paul Cory, SS-1140

Hot News 07-28-2016

Four Queens Summer Silver Strike Tournament Pictures

Tournament pictures added to the club archives. Click Here for the pictures.

Jo Riefer, CHSS-33
1st Vice President/Membership Chair

Hot News 07-27-2016

New Palazzo Silver Strike

The Palazzo has a new $10.00 Clad strike in play, The Palazzo Lobby. Click Here for the new strike.

The Venetian strike machine was almost empty today and I only won one of the older strikes.

Warren Schaefer, SS-185
Publicity & Promotions Chair

Hot News 06-07-2016

Four Queens June 50th Anniversary Token

If you earn 2000 points on your Players Card in the month of June you will receive a LIMITED EDITION COMMEMORATIVE 50th ANNIVERSARY 1 ozt. SILVER COIN While supply lasts and Limited 1 per person.

50th Anniversary Token Link

Shaun Webster, SS-1093

Hot News 05-13-2016

Four Queens Summer 2016 Strike Tournament Flyer

PDF Document Version

Page 1 - JPEG Version

Page 2 - JPEG Version

Shaun Webster, SS-1093

Hot News 05-08-2016

Mirage Strike Program

Following email information sent to Warren Schaefer:

I wanted to reach out to you and inform you that as of May 13th we will be discontinuing our token program here at the Mirage. After that we will be selling the remaining tokens at our main cage.

Unfortunately the popularity of the tokens has fallen so much that it has become labor intensive for us.
Russ Wills | Slot Technical Manage

Warren Schaefer, SS-185
Publicity & Promotions Chair

Hot News 04-06-2016

New Mirage Strike

New at the Mirage a .999 Fine Silver red cap Julius.  See it here.

Warren Schaefer, SS-185
Publicity & Promotions Chair

Hot News 03-25-2016

Clayton Waterbury

Clayton Waterbury, age 89, passed away February 28, 2016. he was married to Mary Lou Waterbury who was the 1st president of the Silver Strikers Club.  One of his passionate hobbies was collecting casino memorabilia and coins.  One of the members of the Club said that he was a very informed member of the Club and would talk with him for hours about the coins - anything to do with the casinos.

Come to see us in June, Mary Lou.

Mary Lou is a very respected member of the Club and holds the honor of being CHSS-0001.

Don Barton, SS-190

Hot News 03-22-2016

Presale Club Coin

Please see banner at top of page
Now until May 1st, 2016.

Jeff Bitzer, SS-291

Hot News 03-21-2016

Club Coin Contest Winners

1st place     Ralph Fajardo
2nd place    Warren Schaefer
3rd place    Peggy Johnson
4th place    Walt Johnson
5th place    Colin Highet
6th place    Greg Boone
PDF Document Version JPEG Version

Al Lukacs, SS-1077

Hot News 03-04-2016

Silver Strikers Pictures by Jeff Bitzer

Added to the club archives.  To view pictures, click here.


Hot News 02-27-2016

Tournament Banquet Pictures by Gabe Dobos

Added to the club archives.  To view pictures, click here.


Hot News 02-27-2016

Tournament Pictures by Gabe Dobos

Added to the club archives.  To view pictures, click here.


Hot News 02-07-2016

2016 Club Coin Voting

You have three ways to submit your vote for the Club Coin, by email, mail or on-line.

For email and mail entries you can use the following links: PDF Document Version JPEG Version.


Hot News 02-06-2016

Four Queens Strike Release Dates

St. Patrick's Day $300, 10AM March 18.

June Tournament 24-26 June, $300, 5PM 25 June.

Halloween $300, 10AM 28 October.

Sue Cohenour, SS-562

Hot News 01-01-2016

SSOY & HOF Voting

Voting for Silver Strike of the Year and Hall of Fame for 2015.  Click the box at top of the page to cast your vote by email.

Bill Cohenour, SS-277
Hall of Fame / Strike of the Year Chair

Archived News 2016